Friday, August 27, 2010

The weirdness that I am....

Life is about twists and turns, ups and downs, the good and the bad, and the downright ugly; right? Most of us would like to live out their lives to a point where they can look back and not regret their journey. We, as a species, seem to be endowed with the capability to withstand insurmountable odds and attempt triumph. We have the cognitive capacity to understand abstractions like responsibility, accountability, morality, religiosity and other words with -ity at the end. And certainly, evolution played it's part in deeply instilling the survival instinct into all of us. Everything seems to tie into each other and play it's part in having us attempt to live as comfortably as possible through our path from birth to death. Not everybody likes everything they do during this journey but they seem to have the ability to adopt a fatalistic approach and shrug it off as something that was needed to be done. I swear, the holy God as my witness, I envy you all.

In one of my earlier blogs, I remarked that I might be an oddity stuck in an alternate reality. A good friend corrected me saying that I was an oddity stuck in this reality. And I am. My difference in a sense of self and a basic understanding of all of this started to develop by the time I was in the 6th grade or the 7th grade. I was not the brightest kid around and I knew that I wouldn't excel in academics a great deal. The reason was not that I wasn't the brightest. We all know human beings who, by nature of tremendous perseverance, have achieved great things. I knew I wouldn't excel in academics, or anything for that matter, because I simply did not care. That seems a vague statement and could have the reader's mind catch one of several trains of thought. And it is my intention to impress upon you to interpret it in the broadest possible manner. When I say I did not care, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't have wanted to get good grades or do well in something or that I wouldn't have derived any sense of accomplishment from doing above said things. I mean that whatever i perceived as meaningless, success or failure in the same also became meaningless to me. Small academic successes occurred sparsely and while these brought a little ray of joy into my life, I never managed to sustain them through and through because I always ended up asking the question, "What's the point?".

It might seem a foolish question and one that is borne of immature impertinence. It might also be one of those questions that doesn't really have a fixed answer and the answer is different for all of us. But everyone will unanimously agree that there is a point to everything we do in life. I am yet to find the point or the meaning. Even at a very young age, the thought of enduring drudgery simply to survive till death felt like a foolish notion. Somehow, the omnipresent idea that life was a gift and meant to be preserved at any cost seemed incorrect and devoid of proper reasoning. At that age I couldn't really explain my feelings or even understand why I felt that way. I was detached from my childhood in a major way because of this. Maybe it was because of all the psychiatric drugs I was put on to restore me back to 'normality' or maybe it was because of who I was and the way I perceived existence that I cannot remember more than the most meagre details about my childhood and school. When I try to think about it, it just feels like wading through a dull suffocating haze. Whenever I attempt to recall something specific about my childhood it leaves me with a feeling of utter discomfort. I don't know what exactly happened. To my knowledge I did not suffer any kind of major trauma. The only explanation that I can offer that makes any kind of sense is that I disconnected myself from the world. And why? Because I found it all meaningless. I've been obsessed with thoughts of death since very early in life. I even attempted it once. The thought of Death as a first resort has always been fairly common to me. And when the survival instinct in me kicks in and argues furiously against the idea, my mind always comes back with that damn question, "What is the point?".

To this day I have no answer and I honestly feel it no less than a small miracle that I'm still around to say all of this. This search for an idealistic concept of meaning has led me to destroy almost every single opportunity in my life to progress or do any good, to myself or the others around me. It's like a singular thread of failure running throughout as a result of 'giving up'. I have taken up (and given up on) nearly anything that I could try. I have a great initial fire to do something and days, weeks, or rarely, months into it, I start questioning the point of it and the lack of meaning and then ultimately quit without a thought about the consequences and the long term implications. I barely passed my 10th and the 12th. I abandoned two attempts at trying to earn a degree. I blame circumstances for my first failed attempt but maybe it's just denial at work. Maybe I lost faith in my endeavor and I set into motion a chain of events that ultimately led me to give it up too. I don't know what my problem is. I'd like to think that i'm still searching for an outlet that will let me focus my energy and when I find it, everything will be okay. It's very scary to think of the alternative (and possibly probable) point of view that it is in my nature to lose interest and then quit. If that is the case, I don't know what it makes me. A failure? A loser? A victim of his own mind? Does it really matter? I've been fortunate enough in life until now to always have someone waiting to catch me when I fall. That's not going to continue a whole hell of a lot longer. What will happen when I'm at the end of the road with nothing to my name? I don't know. The fear or anxiety I feel at that thought is never enough to make me reconsider my decision when giving up something. My mind is a scene of conflict and no side seems to be fighting with my best interests at heart. And the brunt of the collateral damage is inflicted upon the people that care for me, my friends and my family. The damage is both tangible and intangible. The people who care for me are the ones that are most vexed with me. It seems nothing short of an impossibility to try and make do something that will end up doing good for me. Injecting positivity into me is as good as trying to stick a needle into a rock and injecting water into it. Everybody tries to help and after sometime everybody throws up their hands and walks away.

I understand how tiring it might be to have someone like me as a friend or a family member. The whole idea of community is to try and help each other through life to achieve something good for yourself and each other. And when one of your ranks has fallen down and refuses to get up despite possessing the physical facilities to do so, it is confusing and frustrating. After a while though, people just give up and express thinly disguised apathy or disdain. Maybe i'll end up in life without a single clue, destitute. And maybe the thought of such a thing happening might be tremendously difficult for you to comprehend. I would just like people to understand that it is not a preferred alternative for me and if I could, i would take any and all steps to avoid it. I just want people to understand that the state of destituteness is much more preferable to me than doing something I hate simply to go through the biological mechanisms and live out my life till death. If I get to do something that I like and it helps me prosper, it would mean that someone somewhere is looking out for me. If it doesn't happen, it just means that He's too busy. I'll just be one more example of natural selection. I do not mean to sound callous or indifferent. I just wanted to express my process of thought. If you think i'm bull shitting and i'm simply lazy, cowardly, or any other colorful word you can think of, that's your call. I'm sure you'd understand that it's a good bet that someone who doesn't give a damn about life or death wouldn't fret a lot about what people think of him. I just wanted to write out some of my thoughts, there is no underlying purpose or message here. Say anything you want, just try and see things through my eyes, that's all. I hope all of you have wonderful lives.


  1. longer than ur usual blogs but nice. BTW natural selection??? 'selective breeding' wud be more appropriate for us humans. IMO the complexity and the perplexity of the human mind (words ending with -ity) :) is a result of anything but nautral selection.
    If I may, comparing this with ur first blog, the humour and life is missing. It must have to do with ur current state of mind though. Self introspection added with a little bit of humour would make it more interesting read.
    keep blogging.

  2. i agree with von....humour is missing, but it obviously has to do with wats going on in your life right now....dude, ur 2nd attempt at a degree was thrown into the gutter in front of me, and you never were this serious/depressed about it then.....why now? atleast, you have the good sense to HAVE good friends around you.....i personally blame everything on bipolar and psychiatric drugs
    i won't give u false hope saying that "everything will be fine" just think back the past 3 years...the one thing that has been constant is excercise....continuing even till now (i hope) its not impossible for u! just don't let this thin thread of stability slip from ur grasp! :-)

  3. Out of all, this blog i liked the most.

    Acc. to me "I was an oddity stuck in this reality", i feel you are just over/under estimating yourself. Our ability to fit or misfit depends on our surrounding where we live. I am sure, if i start living among all violent, aggressive and ferocious being, even i would feel the same way you do now.
    At the age of 23, changing "self" is not easy but the reality or alternate reality(whatever you call it as) can be altered. Reality is not about 100/200 people, it's way beyond.

    Well, written.

  4. @Von, yes, it seemed wrong when i was writing it and i couldn't think of anything better (writer's block?) at the point of time. Selective breeding does make more sense, now that i think about it. I was just trying to convey that i fall in the category of people Adolf Hitler was trying to eliminate. Infusing humor and life into this kind of a blog is kind of hard, i wanted this to be a rebuttal to much of the well intended advise i've had thrown at me the past few days. And i'll keep blogging no matter how sporadically ;) YOU START BLOGGING AS WELL!

    @BK The reason I'm so serious now and appeared to be earlier is because these things creep upon you and they feature heavily on your mind as time goes on. Imagine how I feel about myself after so many failed attempts. I know it's not a conclusive thing and there is still time to salvage whatever. But over the past few days i've been having sort of sleepless nights and i wanted to write out some things to clarify, both to myself and others. I don't know if it's the psychiatric drugs or not, i just hope it goes away pretty soon. And yeah the exercise has been a stable part of my life through and through and i'm trying to build a career around it, let's see what happens.

    @Akash Maybe it's not a coincidence that a blog that was meant as a reply to you was the one that you liked most, hah. I don't know how calling myself an oddity would amount to either over or underestimating myself. Are you trying to suggest that i'm misjudging myself or falsely categorizing myself in the sense that i might not be so abnormal after all? I don't live in a jungle dude. Nobody is that savage or ferocious around me. I do agree that my mind is a product of the surroundings it grew up in, but i'm wondering to what extent. The nature nurture debate comes in heavily at this point. I don't know if it's my surroundings or if it's in my nature to do the things that I do. I'm trying to alter this reality that i perceive now, let's hope i'm successful and i don't give you anymore opportunities to kick my ass :P

  5. Hahaha..
    Naah naah, You do that way better than me! I was just mentioning my view, and not being a critique.

    TRUST ME! :P

  6. yay!!! U blog I blog and we all blog happily ever after :)
    About the nature nurture debate, I think we have no control on either of those. Nature (every thought and the following actions are a product of genes and circumstances (family, society and everything else). Are we responsible for anything for that matter???
    Only if Hitler had succeded..hmmm

  7. you are on the right track My good friend. just hang on and you'll soon realize what your purpose is. just keep looking and trying. one must go through all this confusion to know what one wants, otherwise how on earth would one know whats best. you are on the right track my good friend.

  8. I read through your blog entries, and liked what you wrote. I guess you hear that a lot. But a man is not remembered only for the good things he does, but the mistakes he makes. If you stad on your feet and look 'em in the eye and tell them exactly what went wrong and that you are sorry, that's a big deal trust me. It's a bigger del than all the degrees, all the marks, all the artificial achievements that come by your way, becuse if you can't spek your mind, you're empty, and no matter what you achieve, it is not the truth, but the pain that makesyou who you are. But to take that pain, accept it and embrace, you need to be a man. There are not many like that in this world, and I respect what you wrote, because I know that I can never be as honest about my life

  9. John, thank you. I wish i could express to you the significance your words have for me, but i'll just settle for thanking your profusely for your time to read through my blog and for your kind words.
